


Notícies útils per a particulars, empresaris, empresaris, estudiants, persones que busquen feina i famílies

Informació, orientació i darreres actualitzacions que afecten el vostre creixement personal i empresarial internacional.

Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping accelera el pivot econòmic interior de la Xina en un món més hostil

President Xi Jinping is quickening his push for a China that can remain on its own feet as mounting pressure ...
GSB s'uneix a Global Alliance in Management Education

Sobrecés en l'educació global en línia

Within companies, there is an ascent in enrolments in courses identified with working from home (21,598% ascent) and virtual groups ...

La missió de l'Azerbaidjan a Turquia ajuda els expatriats enmig del virus

Des de les primeres hores del tancament de la frontera a causa de la pandèmia de coronavirus, l'Azerbaidjan ha pres "totes les mesures imaginables" a ...
Google s'enfronta a Amazon

Google assumeix Amazon suprimint les comissions a la plataforma de comerç electrònic

Search giant, Google on Thursday announced a significant change to its e-commerce marketplace product, Google Shopping. The company will now ...

Cognizant fa que Microsoft Cloud aposta amb l'adquisició planificada de nova signatura

International solution provider and professional services company Cognizant on Tuesday unveiled plans to acquire New Signature, a cloud-first, full-service Microsoft ...

Mastercard col·labora amb Microsoft per accelerar la innovació

Mastercard and Microsoft Corp. announced a collaboration to shape the future of digital commerce, drive startup innovation and enable financial ...
DXC vendrà negoci sanitari al grup italià Dedalus en un acord en efectiu de 525 milions de dòlars

La tecnologia infon els antics ritus de Haj enmig de la pandèmia global

The immense white marble floors encompassing Islam's holiest site, the Holy Kaaba in Makkah, would typically be stuffed with a ...

KKR per fusionar el grup NBFC amb InCred Finance

Private value major KKR is hoping to combine its discount non-banking money related organization (NBFC) business with Mumbai-based InCred's retail ...

Segons els EUA, els Estats poden restringir les protestes per motius de salut pública

GENEVA Governments reserve the option to limit fights on general wellbeing grounds, the U.N. Human Rights Committee said on Wednesday ...

Twitter adds 5 million users, tops sales estimates

Twitter Inc  on Thursday said that its promotions deals had somewhat bounced back in Asia after a dive due to ...

El secret de l'èxit de la marca Starbucks

Many of the youths/folks have a desire to become an entrepreneur but they lack confidence, proper guideline and inspiration. Do ...

Jack Dorsey vota a donar un milió de dòlars per combatre el coronavirus

Twitter CEO, Jack Dorsey, earlier today announced that he would be allocating $1 billion dollars of his Square's equity to ...
Bank Of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda Policy Meeting News Conference

FSA obre un camí per a la normativa de criptomoneda al Japó

How do you feel about an undisciplined institution? You have the freedom to do whatever you want and there will ...
Booking.com entrepreneur of the year award

Reserva Emprenedor de Com de l'any

What is a blockchain?  Most of you will be familiar with the term. Let’s take a brief look at it ...
warren buffet-compressed

Warren Buffet tornarà a ser l’home més ric del món?

The fourth richest man in the world, Warren Buffett may become the world's richest man again. Buffett, with a net ...
EUA i covid19

Com estan preparats els EUA per a un brot de coronavirus?

When it comes to privacy all of us are secure and protective about our privacy as it is a personal ...
No hi ha missatges trobats.
No hi ha missatges trobats.
No hi ha missatges trobats.
No hi ha missatges trobats.
No hi ha missatges trobats.



Basat en 2020 opinions